Monday, May 19, 2008

Why Marrying a Gold-Digger is a Bad Business Proposition

After reading an article about how gold-digging women are more and more prevalent now-a-days then they were just 10-20 years ago, I thought I’d examine the situation. There are 2 Questions I will respond to:

Are Gold-Diggers Immoral People?

At first glance at a gold-digger you may think, “What a terrible person, she’s just after him for his money,” but if you take a few minutes to think about the situation, you might realize that it’s not as bad as it really seems. Here are some things to consider which may change your mind about Gold-Digging women:

1. Is it any different for a woman to be after a guy for the way he looks, rather than for his money? In a way it’s almost more honorable to be after someone for their money, then it is to be after them because you are attracted to them. Think about it. A person has no control over their looks. They are born that way, and can’t do a heck of a lot to change the way they look. On the other hand wealth is something most people can work towards. If a man is wealthy, he either worked his butt off for it through school, or the corporate ladder, or he inherited it. A woman choosing a guy because of money over looks shows that they value his hard work ethic, more then the looks that he can not control.

2. It’s natural for women to want to be with someone who is financially secure. Going back to the stone ages, women would all be after the guy with power, money, as well as a person able to feed their children. Sure looks mattered back then as well, but to a much lesser extent then power and prestige.

Is Marrying a Gold-Digger a Good Business Proposition for the Man?

The answer to this question is, absolutely not. Think about it. The man on one hand will be sharing half (if not more) of all the money he has with a person who is only after his money. His money will more than likely grow as he ages, making him and her wealthier each and every year. On the other hand, her beauty will fade over the years. Each and every year her looks will decline up to a point in which she looks no better then the other 60 year old women out there who married because of love.

This is why 70-80% of all marriages sparked by money hungry women fail after 15 years or less. To start the marriage the man and woman both have what they want, the woman money, and the man a sexy woman, however as time progresses the mans part of the deal begins to slip away, as the womens part grows.

Personally if I had $50 million sitting in the bank, I wouldn’t go flaunting it around trying to pick up hot women who I’d be in a sense paying for, but to each their own, and if a guy doesn’t care about the reasons a woman likes him, then let him be happy and learn that he’s making a bad business decision later in life.

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