Monday, May 19, 2008

36 Ways to Get your Submission to the Front Page of Digg

Here are 36 Quick Tips for creating and submitting your blog posts to Digg:
Well I thought I’d put together a quick guide fill with tips as well as links to Digg resources. Here are the best tips you can find for submitting content to Digg:
1. Read this guide and get to know everything there is to know about digg.
2. Come up with the best possible title you can. Do not, just throw a generic title up. Think of something that will appeal to 15-35 year old males.
3. Probably about 75-80% of clicks on Digg come from people reading the title and being attracted to it. Put yourself in the readers position.
4. Digg does limit your title length to 75 character, so make sure you have something descriptive, and eye catching but not too long.
5. Many users in Digg are young in age. So, while giving a title to your article, think of them. Don’t use terms that your Grandparents use like “you don’t know poop from applesauce”
6. Use common terms in your title. Even though Digg is filled with computer geeks, some still are not very intelligent (sorry guys, I only mean the people not reading this article, not you).
7. Write your own catchy description. The description should be a summary of what the blog or article is about, but written in a catchy way.
8. Descriptions should be at least 150 characters, and no more then the limit of 350 characters. Fit as much in the description as you possibly can.
9. Do not, I repeat, do not just copy and paste the first few lines of the article or blog post in your description. This is a major turnoff and usually doesn’t tell the reader what they want to know, “What is this post about?”
10. Browse through the stories on the front page of digg. Analyze their title, and description and make sure your post follows the same basic trend.
11. Digg Users Love technology related topics. Anything related to Apple, Google, Wii, Linux, Digg itself, or talking crap about Microsoft, George Bush, or Fox News will do.
12. Digg users also love topics talking about political blunders. They love making fun of people who are their superiors. Probably because they don’t like being told what to do, but also because most digg users could probably run this contry better then the guys in office now.
13. If the theme of your blog is not related to technology in any way, then make it be related. If your blog is about different types of Campbell soups, then discuss ways to make the Campbell soup cans easier to open. (Hey it might work.)
14. A Breaking news story is probably the best way to get on the front page of Digg, however it is nearly impossible to beat a million people to a story, and write a blog about it before they all do. Find a boring news sorry and make it interesting or humorous to the community.
15. Follow the Trends. See which topics are getting the most attention in the last week or two, and see if you can blog about that topic in a new way.
16. Do not write about something you have no clue about. The digg users can tell if you are ill-informed and will bury you faster then you could ever imagine.
17. Focus on one particular topic rather then multiple topics.
18. Make your topic as specific as you can get. Don’t blog about a topic like “Cell phones” in general. Instead, blog about the feel of the letter “a” key on the new Nokia phones.
19. The Blog post itself should not be too short. It needs to be detailed. Your post should be at least 500 words.
20. Include pictures in your blog post. Don’t just slap a up a bunch of text. Also include bolded words and lots of links. If your post is just a brick of unformatted text, most people will not bother reading it. Pictures and formatting will catch their attention and force them to read.
21. Place the main message of your blog article in the first few sentences. Otherwise, many users will not bother to scroll down your writing and will not Digg your story.
22. Do not half ne misakes or speling errozs in your blog artikle. If yu do yu are sure too have a bunch of angree Teen-agers on you’re case.
23. Unless your article is a breaking news story, spend several hours researching and writing it. The time you put into your writing is directly related to it’s number of Diggs usually.
24. Submitting your own content is fine at Stats show about 40% of all articles are submitted by their writters.
25. Whatever you do, do not create multiple accounts at digg in order to digg your story multiple times. If you do, you will be banned eventually.
26. Do not Buy diggs from people or participate in digg exchanges or barter sites. Doing so will more then likely get your story buried. Not to mention it’s cheating.
27. Make sure you add the “digg this” link in your blogs post so your readers can quickly digg your story.
28. Don’t submit every blog article you have ever written to digg, unless you think they are digg worthy. You want your credibility to be high. Submitting worthless posts will just lower your “Digg Cred.”
29. Never directly tell your readers or friends to Digg your story. Instead show them the article and then ask them to Digg it if they think it would be useful to others.
30. Participate in Digg yourself. Digg other stories you find interesting, and comment on peoples posts. The more people you help and the more you contribute to Digg, the more people there will be to digg your stories. What goes around comes around.
31. Cross your fingers and pray that when you make the front page of, the server you have will hold the traffic you are about to receive. Front page Digg stories can get between 8,000 and 100,000 uniques within 2 days.
32. If you are unsure if your server can handle the traffic, then make sure you don’t include too many images. These take up bandwidth.
33. You will get a lot of comments about your article. Some positive, and some negative. Learn from the comments so you can improve your writing skills.
34. Make sure your blog is in English, and the post you make at Digg is also in English. Digg is an English speaking site.
35. Controversy, and statistics usually catch diggers eyes. If you have it in you, write about how you have it out for a certain group of people, or make a statistical fact sheet about weird things, and you may make it to the top of Digg.
36. Use Humor. Most of the Digg community can take a joke.
Here are some really good websites related to Digg, that will help you both as a content submitter and reader.
- - analyzes the relationships between popular keywords and the stories they appear within.
- - shows the 10 newest popular stories. The more popular the story gets, the taller the building.
- - Huge list of dozens of older Digg tools
Follow these simple steps, be persistent, and learn to blog in a way that catches the user off guard, and you will make the front page of digg.

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