Monday, May 19, 2008

The Importance of Outbound links to SEO

Recently we have heard more and more about the importance of the outbound links one has on their website. Everyone knows that inbound links from other sites increase your Google Page rank and ultimately your ranking in the Serps, however little attention is placed on the links you have to your site to others. Although outbound links won’t make or break a site in general it can weigh in often heavily in the rankings picture.

Why are Outbound links important?

  1. Tells google what niche your website is in
  2. Linking to authority sites on your topic have been shown in various SEO experiments to increase a sites rankings for keywords related to that topic
  3. If you link to sites banned by Google, they will question the integrity of your own site
  4. More user friendy. Of course your visitors prefer links to on topic authority sites rather then links that have nothing to do with your site. Ones ultimate goal should be to please the vistors.

In conclusion, a webmaster should try to avoid selling too many off topic links, and link to sites that will benefit your visitors. Google and other search engines are getting smarter and smarter, using more and more data to determine rankings. Because of this sometimes the best SEO is to ignore SEO for the most part, and focus on content and the visitors experiences. Ultimately thats what Google is refining their algorith to seek out.

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