Monday, May 19, 2008

The Owner of provided this interview for us that they conducted with the owner of Below you will find Our questions and the accompanying answers by the LibertyReserve Founder:

Q. Hello will you pleace introduce yourself?

A. My name is Eric Paltz, and I am in charge of business planning and development (at LibertyReserve).

Q. What makes Libertyreserve unique from other e-currencies?

A. Our user interface, improved security functions, ease of use, lowest fees, professional staff, being always fair and reasonable, and promises that we keep.

Q. Could you tell us more about how exactly the Private Payment Option works?

A. The optional privacy option allows you not to display your account to your payment recipient. This unique security feature is mainly to protect individuals from hacking attempts. If you do not know the account number you do not know which account you want to try to get into.

Q. Will you allow high yield investment programs and autosurfs to use liberty reserve as their payment processor?

A. Laws of Costa Rica, the country where Liberty Reserve is registered, allow us to work with gambling, investment, forex and sportsbetting web sites.

Q. Can you give us a comment about the current E-gold fiasco?

A. We have no additional information about the e-gold situation, other than what is already available publicly. We wish E-gold the best of luck, and we truly hope they will resolve any issues they have with the government.

Q. Do you plan to release mass payment,automatic paymant and shopingcart scripts to improve the merchants experiance?

A. Our API/SCI interfaces are ready and enabled. Examples of scripts, including the ones that support mass payment options, are being worked on and should become available soon.

Q. In your opinion what makes the best e-currency?

A. The combination of the best in class security, privacy, lowest fees, irrevocability of payments and a jurisdiction that is friendly to a gaming and gambling businesses.

Q. Would you like to say something to our readers?

A. We are currently working on gold backing and adding Euro currency to Liberty Reserve accounts.


As you can see, the people behind LibertyReserve seem to know what they are getting into, are prepared for the future and ready to adopt the often controversial HYIP and Autosurf player/Investors into their system.

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