Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Six Buffett-Style Small-Caps

As the chairman of a company that has about $280 billion in total assets--including more than $35 billion in cash--Warren Buffett's investment decisions are, naturally, a bit different from those of most investors.
Buying back into financials? How about home builders? Click here for a free trial subscription to the Validea Hot List, to learn which stocks appeal to Buffett, Lynch, Graham and other gurus.
Because of its huge size and the amount of money it invests, Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway (nyse: BRK - news - people ) generally has to focus on very large firms: Coca-Cola (nyse: KO - news - people ) ($134 billion market cap), American Express (nyse: AXP - news - people ) ($56 billion cap), Johnson & Johnson (nyse: JNJ - news - people ) ($188 billion cap) and Wells Fargo (nyse: WFC - news - people ) ($94 billion cap) are among some of its major holdings.
But if Buffett weren't constrained by Berkshire's size--if he were working with a similar investing universe as the rest of us--what would he buy?
A question along these lines was posed to the "Oracle of Omaha" during Berkshire's annual meeting earlier this month, when an investor asked him how Berkshire would invest differently if it had only a few million to work with, Buffett responded that most opportunities are likely in small stocks, or in distressed bond situations.
That advice got me thinking about whether any smaller stocks get approval from my Buffett-based "guru strategy"--a computer model I developed that mimics Buffett's approach. Sure enough, I found that my model is high on a handful of small-caps, as well as some smallish mid-caps.
One stock that scores particularly high is Landstar System (nasdaq: LSTR - news - people ), a Jacksonville, Fla.-based firm that provides specialized transportation and logistics services--primarily trucking--throughout the U.S., as well as in Canada, Mexico and other countries.
Landstar, which has a market cap of $2.85 billion, has several "Buffett-esque" qualities. First off, the firm's earnings per share have increased every year for the past decade, rising from $0.39 to $1.99. That's key for the Buffett method. Ever the conservative, he likes firms whose earnings are predictable, and 10 straight years of EPS increases is about as predictable as you can get.
Another way Buffett targets solid, conservative stocks is by looking at debt. My Buffett-based model likes firms that generate enough earnings that they could, if need be, pay off all their debt within two years. Landstar's total debt is $124.2 million, and its annual earnings are $109.2 million. It could indeed pay off its debt in less than two years using those earnings, a great sign.
Buffett is known for seeking out companies that have what he terms a "durable competitive advantage" over their peers--a strong brand name, the lowest prices--that make it very difficult for other companies to compete with it. A sign of a company with such an advantage is a high return on equity. My Buffett-based model looks for firms that have average ROEs of at least 15% over both the past three years and the past 10 years--and which haven't had an annual ROE lower than 10% in any year of the past decade. That's a difficult task, but Landstar passes with flying colors. Its average three-year ROE is 49.5%, its 10-year ROE is 36.5%, and it hasn't posted an annual return on equity lower than 28.9% in any year of the past decade--very impressive numbers. Read more...

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Thursday, May 22, 2008

The 8 Steps for Starting a Business Online

Chose Your ProductsFind the needs or demands, not the products.Go to wordtracker (commercial) or overture (free), and look for well-searched keywords (searched a lot of times). Then, find a product related to those well-searched keywords. Being searched a lot of times means a lot of people are looking. If you find a product which a lot of people are looking for, you can sell it a lot.
Other things you may want to know about choosing products
Buy a Domain NameYou need your own domain name, not like YourISP.com/~UserName. You can get one less than $10/year. Though, don't buy any keyword-rich domain name. It won't give you a boost in search engine rankings. (At least, it isn't a significant factor.) Your domain name will be your own brand name, like aol.com or amazon.com. You don't want a keyword-rich domain for your brand name, do you?
Make Your SiteYou have only 8 seconds or less to grab visitors' attention. If you fail, they are gone. Moreover, if you confuse visitors, they are gone. You need to make a website that people want to brows.
articles on building website
Get HostedForget about free hosting services; find a reliable hosting service. For conventional businesses, time is money. For internet businesses, uptime is money.
articles about articles on website hosts
reviews of hosting services
Publish Your Own NewsletterUsing your own opt in list is the most effective way of marketing. Don't forget to ask visitors to subscribe to your newsletter.
articles on e-mail marketing
reviews of opt-in list management tools
Sell It RightNo matter how many visitors you receive, you cannot make money if no one buys your product. To sell your product, you have to do it right.
articles on copy writing
sales techniques for affiliate marketers
Get TrafficYou might already know that if your site is ranked high at any search engines, you will get a lot of visitors. But, that isn't the only way to get visitors. There are other things you can do to generate traffic.
articles on Search Engine Marketing
articles on generating traffic
Test & ReviseSuccessful online business depends on consistent analyst and test. So, always analyze the results and find flaws. As you correct those flaws, you will make more money.
articles on analyzing and testing
reviews of log analyzing tools

Monday, May 19, 2008

6 Of The Worst Internet Acquisitions of All Time

Today some people question recent internet acquisitions such as Google paying 1.65 billion for Youtube, and Microsoft valuing Facebook at $15 billion. What they don’t realize is that companies of far less reach, making little to no profit, and having very vague business plans were bought out during the 1999-2000 Internet bubble for much larger prices. Here are the 6 worst internet acquisitions of all time:

1. Yahoo Buys Broadcast.com

In 1999 at the time of the internet boom, Yahoo! paid $5.65 billion for Broadcast.com, acquiring the company and renaming it Yahoo! Broadcast Solutions. Over the next couple years Yahoo split the services previously offered by Broadcast.com into separate services, Yahoo Launchcast for music and Yahoo Platinum for video entertainment. Platinum has been discontinued, its functionality being offered as part of two pay services, AT&T Yahoo! High Speed Internet and Yahoo! Plus, both of which turn little to no profit for Yahoo. The price tag on Broadcast.com ended up being $710 per user for Yahoo. That shows just how large the Internet bubble really was. What if Yahoo had invested that 5.65 billion into its search technology or even better yet bought out Google in 1999?

2. TimeWarner Merges with America Online

What was Ted Turner and company thinking? In the midst of dial-up becoming a thing of the past, they merge with the leading dial-up company in AOL. Although, almost 8 years after the merger Timewarner has made strides with AOL, Google now Owns 5% of AOL, and they are considering merging yet again with Yahoo who happens to have made the #1 biggest acquisition blunder. (as seen above)

3. AOL Buys Netscape

In 1998 when the Internet was just starting to creep into people’s minds, America online dished out $4.6 billion for Netscape, the leader in web browsing technology. The problem here was that Microsoft had just begun rolling out its Internet explorer web browser. Netscape now is used by under 2% of web surfers, and even Internet Explorer is second rate to Firefox, a totally free web browser. Netscape.com is now a news portal with relatively low popularity, losing money.

4. Yahoo Buys Geocities

In 1999, at the height of the Internet boom, Yahoo made another amazing acquisition, they thought. They dished out a mere $3.5 billion for Geocities. For those of you just starting out website creation back in 1999, Geocities was a free web host. At the time it was barely turning a profit, yet, we all had our heads in the clouds. Yahoo bought them the same year that they paid $5.6 billion for Broadcast.com. Today Geocities is barely alive, and far from turning a profit. They could have easily turned Geocities into a sort of social networking site like facebook or myspace, but you know how those Yahoo people operate.

5. @Home Purchases Excite.com

Also in the midst of the internet boom, @Home paid a staggering $6.7 billion for Excite.com. At the time it may have seemed like a good deal, considering Excite was #2 to Yahoo in internet portal traffic. I recall using excite as one of my main search engines back in the day. What happened since? Well it is quite amazing that they actually have users still. Now they are not even a search engine, they just use Yahoo, Google, and Ask.com’s data. They have a main portal page that resembles a 1999 version of Google Home, and continue to just barely survive with the help of Google advertising.

6. Terra Buys Lycos.com

In the midst of the Internet bubble collapse, this deal still managed to occur. Initially Terra, a relatively unknown company today, had agreed to buy Lycos for $12.5 billion. 6 months later when the final deal was struck, the sale price had fallen 60% to only $4.7 billion. Why? Because both company’s stock prices were crumbling before their eyes, as the internet bubble began to pop.. Today Lycos is nothing more then a second rate search engine that fills it’s results with ads.


550 Domains Names owned Google

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Microsoft (MSFT) Bids to Buy Yahoo (YHOO)

The rumors had been flying for months now, that Microsoft may consider buying the second most popular internet search engine, Yahoo.com. Most analysts wrote them off as just internet rumors, however, Microsoft surprised us all this morning but entering a bid to buy Yahoo.

This wasn’t just any bid, not one that we think Yahoo can easily turn down. Microsoft offered to pay $44 billion, which is approximately $20 billion over the market cap of Yahoo. This means that if the deal was to go through, each Yahoo shareholder would receive almost double the current value of their shares. This is a hard offer for the board of directors at Yahoo to turn down. Yahoo just layed off 1000 employees last week, and could use the cash that Microsoft would bring into the equation.

The offer will be part shares, part cash, and would give Microsoft quite a standing against Google, who currently owns approximately 60% of all US search traffic.

What does this mean for the future of Yahoo, Microsoft and Google?

Well it will certainly drive innovation. With Yahoo and Microsoft teaming up they will have more power to take on Google, who in turn will likely have more incentive to innovate. If this deal does go through, we will quickly see major changes in the online search scene, and they will all likely be great for consumers.


Why Google’s Stock is So Undervalued

As many of you may know, Google’s stock (GOOG) has recently plummeted. Just 3 months ago in November of 2007, the stock hit an all time high of $747 per share. At the time of writing this article, the stock sits at $518 per share. Quite a difference, considering there hasn’t really been any negative news to fuel this decline. Here are 5 reasons why I am bullish on Google (GOOG).:

  1. Google is about to see huge growth in the mobile phone ad market. Android, their cell phone operating system, should begin making its way onto phones within months. This will set the stage for mobile ads that will be targeted by the users location. Google will be at the forefront of this industry.
  2. Google should perform well even in a recession, and with a weakening dollar. A large portion of Google’s ad sales come from Canada, Europe, Asia and Australia. They are compensated with alternative currencies from the dollar. Even if advertising budgets decline worldwide, Google will not see declines in revenue which are equal to these worldwide declines since many online companies are not affected as much from a recession.
  3. The decline is due, in part, to no new news. Google had been on a role up until November, with all kinds of great news popping up. We have been in a Google news drought as of late, but expect this to change by the end of this month. Google is constantly working on new technology, and should have some fairly large announcements shortly. Stay tuned.
  4. Yahoo rejected Microsoft’s $44 billion offer to buy them out. This does two things. It values Google higher since Yahoo basically told the world they feel they are valued at over $44 billion when their market cap was only in the mid $20 billion range before the buyout discussion began. It also makes sure that Google will not be competing against a huge Microsoft run Yahoo.
  5. Rumors that Yahoo may outsource all their search ads to Google. This would be major news. It would basically be the same as Yahoo, the second largest US search provider, saying “Google you are better then us, lets work together”.

Predicted stock price by Dec 2008 - $825


Top 52 Online Money Making Blog - Ranked by Value

As many of you know, we love our Money Making Blogs, therefore we decided to make a list of the top 52 most informative Money Making Blogs there are online today. We have ranked them using a formula we have come up with, rating the value of information and uniqueness of content over the last 5 months. The higher ranked the blog the more likely you are to learn something of value. Having said this, all these blogs are extremely valuable, afterall they made the list. Enjoy:

1. ShoeMoney

2. doshdosh

3. JohnChow

4. Seth Godin’s Blog

5. ProBlogger

6. JohnCow

7. Daily Blog Tips

8. Entrepreneurs Journey.com

9. Courtney Tuttle

10. Andy Beard Niche Marketing

11. BlogStorm

12. Moms At Home

13. Caroline Middlebrook

14. Performancing - Helping Bloggers Succeed

15. Blogging Tips

16. Tyler Cruz

17. Strategic Profits

18. CarloCab

19. Zac Johnson

20. Affiliate Marketing Blog by Shawn Collins

21. Marketing Pilgrim

22. Se RoundTable

23. Search Engine Watch Blog

24. SEOBook

25. The Top Rank Blog

26. Bruce Clay Inc

27. Earners Blog

28. Super Affiliate Mindset

29. 5 Star Affiliate Blog

30. Jom Kukral

31. Reve News

32. Cash Quests

33. Self Made Minds

34. Uber Affiliate

35. Fraser’s Affiliate Marketing Blog

36. Here.org.uk

37. 5xMom

38. CopyBlogger

39. PSFK Online Trends Blog

40. David Airey

41. Blog About Your Blog

42. Who Is Andrew Wee

43. Gather Success

44. Search Marketing Gurus

45. Marketing Profs Daily Fix

46. Search Engine Guide

47. One Mans Goal

48. Blogtrepreneur

49. Winning The Web

50. Drews Marketing Minute

51. JanGro

52. EZ Online Money


Yahoo “Buzz up” To copy Digg.com

Well, it looks like Yahoo will be the next to copy Digg. Soon they will allow users to “Buzz Up” a website, picture or video. This will start with 100 publishers and then spread to the general public.
Although on the verge of a buyout from Microsoft, Yahoo didn’t let the guard down and announced the introduction of a new service, called “Yahoo Buzz”, which will imply users’ votes on the most interesting stories on the Internet. The service will be similar cu Digg and will have users “buzz” the best stories, which will later bring them to the Yahoo homepage.
“Yahoo is a good example of how we are continuing to innovate and open up our key starting points to third party publishers, making Yahoo more social and personally relevant for our half a billion consumers,” Jeff Weiner, executive vice president of Yahoo’s Network Division, said in a statement.
The new service will include anything from the latest news, to intriguing images or videos, and viewers will need to vote their favorites if they want to see them among the most popular. The system is meant to increase both the popularity of Yahoo’s website, as well as improve the way viewers relate to the content of Yahoo pages.
The main purpose will not be the ranking itself, but rather allowing users to contribute to Yahoo’s front page and better relate to it. According to statistics, Yahoo has an audience of 90 million viewers monthly in the United States alone, which means plenty of Buzzes.
Yahoo Buzz adds up to the openness of Yahoo’s initiatives, an aspect that Jerry Yang, company co-founder and chief executive, has been trying to promote. For starters, the service will include collaboration with 100 publishers, which means a “Buzz Up” button will appear on the websites of People, The New York Times or The Economist. The service will later extend to as many websites as possible.
But Yahoo doesn’t plan to stop here, as Weiner said: “We will be opening up our user interface for Yahoo Search, as well as creating a smarter inbox by opening up Yahoo Mail, two other key ways that consumers start with Yahoo.” Read more...

Googles 4th Quarter 2007 Earnings are on Jan 31st - What to Expect?

Google (GOOG) will announce their Earnings This Thursday. What should we expect? Well, it’s really hard to say. Google has blown out analyst’s estimates quite consistently over the last few years, and I personally think they will do it again. With the Stock down nearly $200 from its highs a few months ago, any earnings blowout could mean a huge move for the stock price. On the other hand if they miss the earnings estimate, then the downside shouldn’t be all that bad.

The other internet stocks and tech stocks have stuggled this quarter though, so many people are up in the air about Googles profits this quarter. Remember though that Google should not be hurt as much as many of the other tech companies from the falling US dollar, since they have a good deal of business overseas, especially in Europe.


Donald Trump gives a 12,000% ($10,000) Tip on $82 Restaurant bill

Well if you thought that all billionaires were greedy, guess again. Donald Trump has been known for giving huge tips, but a 12,000% tip is a little crazy. I bet the waiter, Billy D., was happy at The Buffalo Club in Santa Monica California..


Get Ready for a 300 Mile Per Gallon Car from Aptera

Thats right, are you sick and tired of having to pay $50-$60 to fill up your tank and have it only last you 300 miles tops? How would you like to pay only $30 to fill your 10 gallon tank and make it across country (3000 miles) on it? Well by the end of the new year that may just be a reality. A Company Called Aptera is leading the way in creating what some call a breakthrough of a vehicle.

The Aptera Typ-1 will go on sale in October of ‘08 in California only to start. There will be 2 models, the solely electric model which will get 120 miles per $3 charge, and the hybrid version which will get approximately 300 miles per gallon. The approximate cost of the electric model will be $26,900, while the hybrid will run at around $29,900.

Here is what’s available in every Aptera

-Driver and passenger side Airbags

-Energy absorbing and impact deflecting passenger Safety Cell

-Advanced drive computer with GPS navigation, CD/MP3/DVD player, XM satellite radio, Large View Rear Camera, and complete vehicle diagnostic system

-”Eyes Forward” vision system with 180 degree rear sight picture displayed in the driver’s field of view to enhance situational awareness

-LED interior and exterior lighting for maximum energy efficiency

-Solar assisted Climate Control System so you always enter a comfortable Aptera that is never too hot or cold

-And an RFID(Radio Frequency ID) key fob so you never have to pull out your keys to enter or start your Aptera. The key fob simply remains in your pocket or purse.


Man Earns $133,000 Per Month With Google Adsense

For those of you who think its not possible to make more then a couple hundred dollars a month with Google Adsense, then think again. More and more people are quitting their day jobs blogging and creating content driven websites supported by Google adsense ads. Yes people are making big money? How big? Well check out this guys check from September 2005. He is the owner and author of the very popular blog, Shoemoney.com. The guy is a pure blogging genious when it comes to monetizing his blog:

Image Hosting by Picoodle.com

Yes thats $132,994.93 in just one month!

www.BestMoneyPlace.com Best Money Making Site

8 Inciteful Famous Quotes About Investing

I truly believe that the words of our smartest world citizens are the best incites toward both our futures and coming trends. Here are 8 simple, to the point quotes from some fo the world brightest people about investing:

“Invest in yourself, in your education. There’s nothing better”

-Sylvia Porter

“I want to work for a company that contributes to and is part of the community. I want something not just to invest in. I want something to believe in.”

-Anita Roddick

“If you want to be truly successful invest in yourself to get the knowledge you need to find your unique factor. When you find it and focus on it and persevere your success will blossom.”

-Sidney Madwed

“Invest three percent of your income in yourself (self-development) in order to guarantee your future.”

-Brian Tracy

“Before you speak, listen.

Before you write, think.

Before you spend, earn.

Before you invest, investigate.

Before you criticize, wait.

Before you pray, forgive.

Before you quit, try.

Before you retire, save.

Before you die, give.”

-Arthur Ward

“Invest in inflation. It’s the only thing going up.”

-Will Rogers

“If we invest in the American people, the American people always bring this Nation a good return.”

-Blanche Lincoln

“Experience taught me a few things. One is to listen to your gut, no matter how good something sounds on paper. The second is that you’re generally better off sticking with what you know. And the third is that sometimes your best investments are the ones you don’t make.”

-Donald Trump

The General theme of most of these quotes happen to be about investing in ones self. I tend to agree with these philosophies. If you build up the equity of yourself you will be able to do almost anything. Education is powerful, whether it is formal or not.


A Look at How Much Richer the Richest in America Are After 1 Year

Well, the new Forbes “400 Richest Americans” has been published. I found it interesting to compare last years list with this years. Here are some changes I’ve noted:

#1 Bill Gates, the richest man in America has remained at top. He has increased his wealth by about 11% in the last year, going from $53 Billion to $59 Billion. A $6 Billion increase in a year, not half bad.

#2 Mr. Warren Buffett remains as #2 as well. Buffett, the investing guru, increased his wealth by 13% in one year, moving from $46 Billion to $52 Billion. Also a $6 Billion increase like Gates had.

#3 Sheldon Adelson also kept his #3 spot this year. The casino owner increased his wealth by 27%, going from $20.5 Billion to $28 Billion in just one year.

#4 Larry Ellison, the Oracle founder is still listed at #4. He has increased his wealth by a very healthy 33%, moving from a net worth of $19.5 Billion all the way up to $26 Billion this year.

#5 and #6 The Google Guys. Sergey Brin, and Larry Page have leapfrogged over 7 billionaires ahead of them last year, to land the number 5 and 6 positions. The 34 year old friends both jumped 25% going from $14 billion to $18.5 billion in one year.

#7 Kirk Kerkorian was the biggest winner out of them all. In just one years, the 90 year old investor, jumped 19 positions going from #26 to #7. He increased his net worth by 100% by going from $9 billion last year to an impressive $18 billion this year, helped by selling his stake in City Center to MGM in AUgust.

#8 Michael Dell remained pretty steady. He moved up one slot from #9 last year and increased his wealth by $1.7 Billion, a gain of about 11%.

#9 and #10 Charles and David Koch moved up quite a bit themselves. The oil Investors moved up 9 positions each from #19 and #20. Their wealth each went up by $5 billion, an inpressive 41% gain.

Who moved down? Well the the Walmart, Walton family took a plunge. Four of them cracked the top 10 last year, while this year not one of them made it.

Just thought this would give you an interesting idea of how much richer the richest people in America are getting, and how the landscape is slowly changing.


The Truth About Al Gore and The Internet

Well, Al Gore recently shared the Nobel Peace Prize for his work with Global Warming, but his real fame comes from his win of the Us Presidency in 2000 (yeah he won, but still loss), and of course inventing the internet, and global warming.

Did Gore Really Invent the Internet?

Legend has it that Al Gore actually invented the internet, but anyone who knows the actual history of the internet knows that he really did not have anything to do with it in an invention sense. The Urban legend all start on March 9th, 1999 during an interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN where Gore was asked what distinguished him from his democratic opponent Bill Bradley. Gore stated:

“During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a wide range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country’s economic growth and environmental protection.”

Although he may have used some words which were construed as if he stated that he invented the internet, all that he meant was that he was proactive in the creation of the internet and it’s mainstream use, which is true. As a Congressman Gore actually was very active in promoting the system that we all enjoy this very day. If Gore never entered politics back in the early 1970’s would we have the internet today? More then likely we would, however it may have been slower to develope, and not as widely available to the public at first.

Who Invented the Internet?

Well its not a matter of who invented the internet, as it was a slow process of separate ideas and inventions which has led to what we see as the internet today. Here is a timeline:

* 1961: Leonard Kleinrock writes the first paper on packet switched networks.

* 1962: J.C.R. Licklider of MIT writes a paper describing a globally connected “Galactic Network” of computers.

* 1966: Larry Roberts proposes the ARPANET to the Defense Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA).

* 1968: ARPA issues Request for Quotations for the Interface Message Processors (IMPs), which became the first routers.

* 1969: First IMP is installed at UCLA.

* Early 1970s: Universities and defense agencies and contractors begin to connect to ARPANET.

* 1973: Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf begin research into what eventually becomes IP - the Internet Protocol and its companion, TCP - the Transmission Control Protocol.

* 1973: Bob Metcalfe develops Ethernet, which had been the subject of his PhD thesis, while working at Xerox.

* Early 1980s: The Personal Computer revolution begins.

* Mid 1980s: Local Area Networks (LANs) begin to flourish in business and university environments. Campus area networks soon follow.

* January 1, 1983: All “old-style” traffic on the ARPANET ceases, as TCP/IP becomes the only protocol used. [Arguably, this is the date of the birth of the Internet as a functioning, practical, production network.]

* 1985: Dennis Jennings chooses TCP/IP as the protocol for the planned National Science Foundation Network (NSFnet).

* 1988: NSF sponsors a series of workshops at Harvard on the commercialization and privatization of the Internet.

* 1988: Kahn et al. write a paper “Towards a National Research Network.” According to the Brief History, “This report was influential on then Senator Al Gore, and ushered in high speed networks that laid the networking foundation for the future information superhighway.” [Emphasis added.]

* 1991: Mark McCahill et al. (University of Minnesota) release the Internet Gopher, the first widely-adopted menu-based system for browsing and retrieving Internet-based documents.

* 1991: Tim Berners-Lee et al. at the European Center for High-Energy Physics (CERN) describe the World Wide Web. The first browser is a line-mode tool.

* 1993: Mark Andreessen et al. at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois release Mosaic, the first widely-adopted graphical browser for the Web

* 1993: NCSA releases Macintosh and Windows versions of Mosaic.

Now, Lets look at Gores Actual Contibutions:

* A 1983 proposal to build a national computer-based registry of organ donors and those in need of transplants.

* Legislation in 1987 to mandate copy protection mechanisms for Digital Audio Tape [ironic given the much greater copying problem introduced years later by the Internet and by Napster].

* A 1989 bill, unenacted, “to amend the Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978 to protect the environment of Antarctica.”

* A 1989 resolution, not passed, to “designate the month of May 1989 as National Digestive Disease Awareness Month.”

* A 1989 resolution, not passed, to “urge Noble Commission to consider awarding Nobel Prize recognition for achievements in preservation of the world environment.”

* A proposed resolution in 1990 calling on the government of Malaysia to preserve tropical rainforests.

* Proposed 1992 legislation, not enacted, that would “stabilize emissions of carbon dioxide to protect the global climate, and for other purposes.”

* Various bills over the years supporting funding for NASA.

* A resolution to establish the month of October 1989, as Country Music Month (not enacted).

As we have shown here, President Gore (Ooops I keep forgetting), didnt actually invent the internet but had a role it’s creation just like hundreds of other notable figures.


16 Oct 3 Stocks That are Bound to be Winners Over the Next 10 Years.

Anyone that knows me knows that I’m always looking long term. I don’t care if I invest in a stock that drops 50% as long as over the long run it will bounce back big time. Some people feel a stock is a great purchase but keep waiting for the right time to get in. If you like a stock for its long term prospects, don’t worry about when you get in, because more than likely there is no time better than the present.

Here are 3 stocks I feel will be sure gainers over the next 10 years. They may have their ups and downs in the short run, but in the long run should beat out the market big time:

#1 Google (Goog)

Google has already gone up over 600% since it’s IPO, which of course scares investors away. Having said this, their growth rate and potential growth rate is amazing. Consider that the Internet is growing at a rate of 18% per year. Over 60% of searches online are done through Google. Google is spreading it’s reach all over the place. They are rumored to be involved in the cell phone industry, and have their hands in just about everything related to the internet. They have so much information about everyone that uses their search that it is almost like they can predict what the markets will do next, what products will be hot, and what markets they can enter. Google is taking on Microsoft with their online software, and seems to be a step ahead of all the other large corporations.

Projected gain in 10 years time - 420%

#2 Genetech (DNA)

Even the ticker symbol is cool. Genetech is responsible for a wide variety of Biotech developements. We all have to admit that biotechnology will be a huge player in the future of medicine. With an understanding of the human genome, and technological breakthroughs we have seen recently, combined with the high prices these medical related firms are able to charge for products and services, Genetech is a bomb ready to explode. In the next 10-20 years we will see medical developements we would have only been able to dream of just a few years back, and Genetech is at the forefront of much of these new technologies. Also with the baby boomers becoming senior citizens, the entire medical field should see a nice boom.

Projected gain in 10 years time - 325%

#3 International Game Technology (IGT)

IGT basically makes slot machines. They along with Ballys are the two main slot machine manufacturers in the world. The reason this stock was choosen is because the Gaming industry is exploding. Not just Atlantic City and Vegas in the US, but more and more states are legalizing slot machine gambling at race tracks. Gambling is bigger then ever in the US, and also overseas. One example of the industries growth is that MGM is building a new 60 acre, $5 billion casino and resort in Atlantic City with over 4000 slot machines itself. The $5 billion is almost twice as much as any other Atlantic City or Vegas Casino company has spent on a developement.

Projected gain in 10 years time - 220%

Of course I can’t guarantee you will make a killing on these stocks, but if you read up on the companies as well as the industries they are in, you would see the room for huge growth is there over the next decade.


Why Marrying a Gold-Digger is a Bad Business Proposition

After reading an article about how gold-digging women are more and more prevalent now-a-days then they were just 10-20 years ago, I thought I’d examine the situation. There are 2 Questions I will respond to:

Are Gold-Diggers Immoral People?

At first glance at a gold-digger you may think, “What a terrible person, she’s just after him for his money,” but if you take a few minutes to think about the situation, you might realize that it’s not as bad as it really seems. Here are some things to consider which may change your mind about Gold-Digging women:

1. Is it any different for a woman to be after a guy for the way he looks, rather than for his money? In a way it’s almost more honorable to be after someone for their money, then it is to be after them because you are attracted to them. Think about it. A person has no control over their looks. They are born that way, and can’t do a heck of a lot to change the way they look. On the other hand wealth is something most people can work towards. If a man is wealthy, he either worked his butt off for it through school, or the corporate ladder, or he inherited it. A woman choosing a guy because of money over looks shows that they value his hard work ethic, more then the looks that he can not control.

2. It’s natural for women to want to be with someone who is financially secure. Going back to the stone ages, women would all be after the guy with power, money, as well as a person able to feed their children. Sure looks mattered back then as well, but to a much lesser extent then power and prestige.

Is Marrying a Gold-Digger a Good Business Proposition for the Man?

The answer to this question is, absolutely not. Think about it. The man on one hand will be sharing half (if not more) of all the money he has with a person who is only after his money. His money will more than likely grow as he ages, making him and her wealthier each and every year. On the other hand, her beauty will fade over the years. Each and every year her looks will decline up to a point in which she looks no better then the other 60 year old women out there who married because of love.

This is why 70-80% of all marriages sparked by money hungry women fail after 15 years or less. To start the marriage the man and woman both have what they want, the woman money, and the man a sexy woman, however as time progresses the mans part of the deal begins to slip away, as the womens part grows.

Personally if I had $50 million sitting in the bank, I wouldn’t go flaunting it around trying to pick up hot women who I’d be in a sense paying for, but to each their own, and if a guy doesn’t care about the reasons a woman likes him, then let him be happy and learn that he’s making a bad business decision later in life.


What Weird Terms Various Countries are Searching The Internet for the Most

With the help of Google Trends I was able to come up with the statistics below. What you see below are the top 3 countries in which Google searches come from for the given term in bold. From this information one can get a clear understanding just how interested various countries of the world are in particular things. Some of the information is quite revealing, such as the Herpes problem in the US, Mexico and Peru, the Aids problem in South Africa, or the sex crazed internet users of India.


Aids - South Africa, Brazil, India

HIV - South Africa, India, United States

Health - Australia, Ireland, New Zealand

Cancer - Canada, Australia, United States

Herpes - United States, Mexico, Peru

STD - India, United Kingdom, United States

Acne - Peru, Columbia, Sweden

Abortion - Philippines, United States, Australia


God - Philippines, United States, Australia

Allah - Pakistan, Indonesia, Morocco

Jewish - Israel, United States, Canada

Muslim - Pakistan, Indonesia, UAE

Christian - Austria, United States, Denmark

Hindi - India, UAE, Pakistan

Jesus Christ - Philippines, United States, Australia

Prophet - Pakistan, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia


Sex - India, Egypt, Turkey

Sexy - Pakistan, India Morocco

Naked - India, New Zealand, Australia

Nude - Pakistan, India, Philippine

Gay - Chile, Columbia, Mexico

Porn - Ireland, Australia, United Kingdom


George Bush - United States, Australia, Canada

Ron Paul - United States, Canada, Australia

Clinton - United States, Canada, United Kingdom

Jihad - Indonesia, Pakistan, Morocco

Terrorism - Pakistan, Philippines, Australia

World Trade Center - Denmark, Mexico, Sweden

Nuke - Austria, Turkey, Hungary

Iraq - United States, Australia, Canada

Iran - Iran, UAE, Sweden

War - Australia, United States, United Kingdom


Food - New Zealand, Australia, United States

Recipes - Canada, New Zealand, Australia

McDonalds - Australia, United States, Canada

Coke - New Zealand, Australia, United States

Pizza - United States, Canada, Australia

Sandwich - United States, Denmark, United Kingdom


Hangover - Ireland, United Kingdoms, United States

Beer - Australia, Canada, United States

Wine - New Zealand, Australia, United States

Rum - Sweden, Australia, Austria

Vodka - Sweden, United States, AUstralia

Liquor - Australia, Canada, New Zealand


Baseball - United States, Canada, Australia

Football - United Kingdom, Ireland, United States

Golf - United Kingdom, Canada, United States

Basketball - Philippines, United States, Australia

Hockey - Canada, Sweden, Finland

Soccer - Australia, Canada, United States

Tennis - Australia, Belgium, Switzerland


NYSE - United States, Canada, India

NASDAQ - Israel, Singapore, India

Stock Market - India, UAE, Signapore

Investing - United States, Australia, Canada

Oil Prices - Singapore, United States, Canada

Forex - Nigeria, Sweden, Indonesia

Loans - United Kingdom, Australia, United States

Credit Card - United Kingdom, India, United States

Finance - India, Singapore, New Zealand

Make Money - Malaysia, United States, United Kingdom

Hyip - Cote D’Ivoire, Nigeria, Indonesia

Webmaster Related

Website - Philippines, India, Malaysia

Search Engine Optimization - India, Philippines, United States

Google - India, United Kingdom, France

Hosting - Indonesia, Malaysia, Viet Nam

Programming - India, Philippines, Malaysia

PHP - Malaysia, India, Romania

Blog - Viet Name, France, Peru

Domain Name - New Zealand, Australia, Singapore

Famous People

Paris Hilton - Australia, Mexico, Austria

Tom Cruise - Canada, United States, Australia

Jessica Alba - Australia, Canada, United States

Oprah - South Africa, Canada, United States


The 10 Stupidest Ideas That Actually Worked

Here are 10 ideas that at the time people probably though “what the heck is he/she thinking” but today wish that they would have thought of it themselves.

1. Million Dollar Homepage (milliondollarhomepage.com)

1000000 pixels, charge a dollar per pixel – that’s perhaps the dumbest idea for online business anyone could have possible come up with. Still, Alex Tew, a 21-year-old who came up with the idea, is now a millionaire.

2. SantaMail (santamail.org)

Ok, how’s that for a brilliant idea. Get a postal address at North Pole, Alaska, pretend you are Santa Claus and charge parents 10 bucks for every letter you send to their kids? Well, Byron Reese sent over 200000 letters since the start of the business in 2001, which makes him a couple million dollars richer.

3. Doggles (doggles.com)

Create goggles for dogs and sell them online? Boy, this IS the dumbest idea for a business. How in the world did they manage to become millionaires and have shops all over the world with that one? Beyond me.

4. LaserMonks (lasermonks.com)

LaserMonks.com is a for-profit subsidiary of the Cistercian Abbey of Our Lady of Spring Bank, an eight-monk monastery in the hills of Monroe County, 90 miles northwest of Madison. Yeah, real monks refilling your cartridges. Hallelujah! Their 2005 sales were $2.5 million! Praise the Lord.

5. AntennaBalls (AntennaBalls.com)

You can’t sell antenna ball online. There is no way. And surely it wouldn’t make you rich. But this is exactly what Jason Wall did, and now he is now a millionaire.

6. FitDeck (FitDeck.com)

Create a deck of cards featuring exercise routines, and sell it online for $18.95. Sounds like a disaster idea to me. But former Navy SEAL and fitness instructor Phil Black reported last year sales of $4.7 million. Surely beats what military pays.

7. PositivesDating.Com (PositivesDating.Com)

How would you like to go on a date with an HIV positive person? Paul Graves and Brandon Koechlin thought that someone would, so they created a dating site for HIV positive folks last year. Projected 2006 sales are $110,000, and the two hope to have 50,000 members by their two-year mark.

8. Designer Diaper Bags (Diapeesandwipees.com)

Christie Rein was tired of carrying diapers around in a freezer bag. The 34-year-old mother of three found herself constantly stuffing diapers for her infant son into freezer bags to keep them from getting scrunched up in her purse. Rein wanted something that was compact, sleek and stylish, so in November 2004, she sat down with her husband, Marcus, who helped her design a custom diaper bag that’s big enough to hold a travel pack of wipes and two to four diapers. With more than $180,000 in sales for 2005, Christie’s company, Diapees & Wipees, has bags in 22 different styles, available online and in 120 boutiques across the globe for $14.99.

9. TruGamerz (TruGamerz)

Faux-suede padded covers for game controllers and gel thumb pads for analog joysticks? No one will buy that. Forget it. The product proved to be so popular, it got picked up by Target.com and Walmart.com and annual sales new exceed half a million dollars.

10. Lucky Wishbone Co. (luckybreakwishbone.com)

Fake wishbones. Now, this stupid idea is just destined to flop. Who in the world needs FAKE PLASTIC wishbones? A lot of people, it turns out. Now producing 30,000 wishbones daily (they retail for 3 bucks a pop) Ken Ahroni, the company founder, expects 2006 sales to reach $1 million.


The Longest Paying Current Hyips

We often get questions as to which hyips are paying the longest. Well here is a list of some of the longest paying, currently operating programs. Note that we are not recommending these programs in any way, just listing the ones that have been around the longest. Make your own decisions and never invest more than you can afford to lose. Hyips are very Risky.


Invest-Manager Forum

0.9-2.5% daily return

Paying for 829 Days


LargeSum Forum

1.6-2.0% daily return

Paying for 315 Days

Cobex Trade

Cobex Trade Forum

1.2-3.9% daily return

Paying for 245 Days


Minvestment Forum

1.4-2.3% daily return

Paying for 180 Days


Microsoft Beats Google in the Facebook Minority Stake Purchase

We are the first to break this new. It has been confirmed that Microsoft has bought a stake in Facebook.com beating Google to the punch.
Google representatives commented that they “have tremendous respect for Microsoft”
More information to come on the deal soon, but most expect it to be a 10% stake in facebook.com for approx. $1.5 billion, valuating Facebook.com at $15 billion, 6 times that of Youtube when it was purchased. Read more...

29 Oct How Extremely Undervalued Googles Stock is Compared to Yahoo

As many of you may know I am a huge fan of Google as an investment. One of the main reasons is because even after going up 45% over the last 12 months, the company remains extremely undervalued compared to Yahoo.com and other players in the tech industry.
For instance lets look at the 2 companies side by side:
Google’s P/E Ratio (Price per share / Earners per share) is 53.Yahoo’s P/E Ratio (Price per share / Earners per share) is 62.
Google’s Future 2008 P/E Ratio (Price per share / Earners per share) is 32Yahoo’s Future 2008 P/E Ratio (Price per share / Earners per share) is 48
Google’s Year over Year (2006 vs 2005) Gross Profit growth is 79%Yahoo’s Year over Year (2006 vs 2005) Gross Profit growth is 18%
Now who in their right mind would buy into Yahoo’s stock (YHOO) over Google’s stock (GOOG)? Why buy a stock like Yahoo that has a PE ratio 9 points higher, has a projected PE ratio for next year 16 points higher than Google, has pretty much stagnated in terms of growth, and has all sorts of managerial problems over Google who dominates Yahoo in both present and future PE, has an extremly motivated and capable management team, has blown out growth figures over the last 3 years (has grown in terms of gross profit over 4 times faster then Yahoo Last year), and has an entire pipeline of products and innovations ready to launch at any minute?
Either Yahoo’s stock price is extremely overrated, or Google’s in extremely underrated. Being that companies like Amazon and Baidu have PE ratios 2-3 times that of Google, I am willing to bet quite a large sum of money that Google’s share price in greatly undervalue, and am bold enough to predict a $1000 share price by the end of 2008 or beginng on 2009.
There is very little risk to Googles core earnings, and a ton of upside with the expected announcement of a move into the mobile industry. Google is as close as you can get to a sure stock bet as any company can get. Read more...

Updated List of Google PageRank, PR 10 Websites

I have been getting a lot of requests for an updated list of every Google PageRank (PR 10) website in existence, so decided to put together this list as of September 6th, 2007. Google as you likely know uses PageRank to determine the popularity of a website. The higher the number from 0-10 the more popular the website and thus the more weight it’s pages are given in the search results compared to similar lower Pagerank, PR sites.

















As you can see most of these PageRank (PR) 10 sites are owned by major corporations of government bodies, therefore the chances of getting an inbound link from one is slim to none


You Could have $388,000 extra if you Stopped Smoking Drinking and Eating Out for 10 years

Here are 3 things people spend money on that could save you big time if you were to invest it instead:

1. Alcohol and Clubs

If you go out to the local clubs or bar scene each week with a significant other,especially you guys, you will be peeing away a ton of extra cash. The average couple who goes out both Friday and Saturday nights each weekend will spend approximately $240 per weekend on drinks, and cover charges. That’s $12,480 a year.

If you could be earning 13% a year in the market, after 10 years you would have over $230,000 extra in the bank.

2. Cigarettes

If you smoke a pack of cigarettes every day, with the average price at about $4.65, you would be spending an extra $1700 per year. There are people that smoke much more than this, but we will use a pack a day as an example.

If you could be earning 13% a year in the market, after 10 years you would have over $33,000 extra in the bank.

3. Eating Out.

For about $11 you can get an average lunch out. Most employees, on their lunch break spend about $11.00 per day 5 days a week. This amounts to $2900 per year. They also spend an average of $75 a week eating out with family. Thats another $3900 a year. This gives you a grand total of $6800 per year on food at restaurants or takeout.

If you could be earning 13% a year in the market, after 10 years you would have over $125,000 extra in the bank.

Add them up, and if you were to cut out all your drink/clubbing, smoking, and meals out, you would have an extra $388,000 after 10 years. Sure everyone is going to be bad every now and then and have a few beers, or decide to have a good time with friends or a loved one, but if you are a person who makes one of these 3 money drains a habit, you may want to reconsider it, not only for health reasons but for reasons that would allow you to retire 10-15 years early.


Woot, The Daily Deal WebPage, Partners with Yahoo Inc

Well, Woot.com has partnered with Yahoo.com. For those of you who do not know what Woot is, then you might as well check it out. Basically they offer a new deal every day until the product sells out. There are some incredible deals at Woot, on all sorts of cool gadgets and electronics.
Here is a part of the press release:Over the next 24 hours, loyal wooter, you’re going to hear a lot of nasty rumors about Woot getting into bed with a big corporation. We’re here to tell you that they’re all true. We’d hoped to announce the grand opening of Halliburton.Woot tonight, but our security clearances were revoked (long story). So we turned away from the dark side and found one of the good guys to work with. Beginning at midnight CDT tonight, Woot and Yahoo! will be partners in a new venture we’re calling Sellout.Woot. (We’d link to the front page right now, but we can’t, exactly. More on that in a minute.) If you need a light for your cigar, you can use one of our new hundred-dollar bills.
Anyway, the Yahoo partnership should allow Woot to expand and offer larger quantities of each product they have available. The main reason I am posting this blog entry is because I wanted to let our readers know about Woot.com. I have bought several products from them at extreme discounts. Read more...

9 Reasons Why Google’s GPhone and Wireless Service Will be A Huge Success For Everyone

From a Consumers Point of View:

#1 When a small carrier named Revel recently gave 5,000 subscribers a one-time $10 discount for agreeing to receive ads on their phones for a 12-week trial, “the satisfaction levels were off the charts,” says Jon Jackson, CEO of Mobile Posse, the ad technology provider in the trial.

#2 Carriers typically generate an average of $50 per month per cell phone in fees. Mobile Posse’s research shows that marketing on mobile phones can generate up to $40 in ad revenue per month. This will allow Google to charge just 20-30% of the typical cell phone usage charges, or may even allow them to offer free service 24/7.

#3 Ads are not that intrusive. You will get a short text message maybe a couple times a day which you can easily choose to ignore.

#4 Googles technology will show you relevant ads depending on your age, gender, and exact location, as well as perhaps ads based on your Cell phone internet preferences. So instead of being a nuisance, the ads may actually be a welcomed bit of information. Imagine walking down a street and having a couple ads from stores on that block which are offering 1 day sales.

#5 While analysts have long frowned on the idea of mobile ads, Virgin Mobile recently reported that 8% of its 4.8 million subscribers had agreed to view ads in exchange for free calling minutes. This shows that despite analysts opinions, there is a rather strong market already out there interested in an ad supported service.

#6 The Impact on the entire Wireless industry will be a positive one for consumers. Think about what a cheap phone released by Google would do to both cell phone prices and wireless service fees within the whole industry.

#7 Those individuals in Third world countries or the lower income countries will be able to afford a cell phone, which most can not do today. Imagine how productivity levels worldwide would skyrocket, leading to more technological advancements and a smarter more connected workforce around the globe.

From Advertisers Point of View and Google’s Point of View:

#8 Imagine being able to advertise a 2 for 1 special your Pizza shop is having to every Google cell phone owner that gets within 2 blocks of your shop on a given day. The effectiveness of advertising will benefit virtually every storefront advertiser in the world in the long term.

#9 Google will be able to integrate all their applications so that, at a push of a button, they can launch a search or use the mobile payment service they have planned.

The Google GPhone is coming, and we believe it will be released sooner rather then later. The shock waves will be felt around the world, and in our opinion be a more revolutionary event to the Industry then Apple’s Iphone launch


Google Offers New Type of Widget Ads - For Adsense and Adwords Users

Last Night Google announced that they were rolling out a revolutionary new ad format for both their Adwords advertisers as well as their Adsense affiliates. These new ads will be in widget form, much like the gadgets you can put on your IGoogle homepage. They will be interactive, feature rich media content, and all allow the advertiser to track how well they are doing.

Benefits to Publishers and Website Visitors:

This will give Adsense publishers yet another great way to earn money from their content, while providing their visitors with something at least more entertaining then the banner ads we are all used to seeing.

Benefits to Advertisers:

These new widget ads will take the online advertising market in a whole new direction. With ad blocking software becoming more and more frequent now-a-days, these new ads should slip by the filters. Instead of viewers seeing ads as a nuisanc, they will view them as just a part of their internet experience. Advertisers get unique tracking on the ads to see how well they perform, and the widget format will create a community type atmosphere between the advertiser and viewers.

Some analysts and early advertisers who have tested the ads with consumers said the capacity to measure the effectiveness of so-called rich media advertising is a technology breakthrough for the industry that bolsters Google’s push into the corporate brand market.

“Gadget Ads is very far reaching,” said Andrew Frank, an online advertising analyst with market research firm Gartner Inc. “This is the platform that Google is going to build all their cross-media advertising services upon,” he said.

“We view this as a way to create an environment where the Internet is being supplied by truly useful advertising,” said Christian Oestlien, a business product manager for Google.


What Will Become of the HYIP (High Yield Investment Program) Industry?

Anyone who invests in/plays with , follows, or monitors HYIPs would know that the last 6 months or so has seen a downturn in activity. Programs are scamming more, there have been less quality programs, and the number of rating/monitoring sites have declined drastically. You may ask, is this it for the HYIP/Autosurf arena? Or will we see a comeback?

What I’ve seen:

I’ve been watching the industry for 5 years now, dating back to the days of NovaLights, EzyBucks, and the likes. Every 12-18 months there seems to be a change in fate in the industry, from being hot, to being cold. The facts are that any industry that involves the possibility to make a ton of money, with little work, and not much initial capital will attract new blood. Even if they know the chances of becoming rich from these programs are slim, there are always people looking for the next legitimate program which will make them wealthy. I feel however it is important to make people aware that these are games and not usually a safe investment.

What is causing the recent downturn in the Industry?:

There are several factors which led up to this last HYIP/Autosurf slow period. Here they are:

#1 The Summer Months Were Upon Us:

The months of May, June, July, August and September have often been a quiet period in the industry. Why? Well in general internet traffic decreases in the summer months because the weather is nice in the Northern Hemisphere where 75% of the internet population resides. Not only this but when kids are not in school they tend to spend less time online for some reason, probably more so for college students who spend those boring hours tied up in their dorm rooms in the Winter, Spring, and Fall.

#2 Trust has been temporarily lost:

Many large programs collpased in the last few months, programs which people relatively trusted. This caused many individuals to leave the industry at least for a while, while new players slowly enter.

#3 The E-gold Mess:

The problems with E-gold have been brutal. The industry has never seen it’s most popular E-currency have issues. Of course there were the e-currency failures such as Evocash, OSGold, and others, however none of them were nearly as important as E-gold. The closing of accounts, the government indictments, and other issues with E-gold has forced many people to sell their E-gold in case there are more issues in the near future. This left most HYIP players looking for new ecurrencies such as LibertyReserve, and V-Money. It will take time for things to reorganize themselves around other E-currencies.

#4 DDOS attacks:

Even though the DDOS attacks haven’t cripled the industry, these attacks along with the other 3 issues have led to confusion and frustration among the industry.

Where are we headed?

It’s hard to say really, but after the closure of PIPs, Novalights, FLO, and 12Dailypro we saw major slowdowns, only to pick things back up in the winter stronger then ever. Things will evolve, and the industry will survive. More then likely there will be new types of programs evolving from the past failures, hopefully more transparent as well as safer for the general population.

What Positives will come out of this?

Without a doubt there will be positive aspects of the recent mess. People will learn not to rely on just one Ecurrency, and will also hopefully invest into these programs knowing that they should be looked at like a game instead of an investment. Investing in a high yield program online is no different then sitting down at a poker table with friends testing your luck and skill. Remember when referring others into a program let them know that there are big risks involved, it is a gamble, and should be looked at as a game rather then an investment. Invest money you can live without, and don’t expect too much.


How Much Are The Top Google Employees Making?

With the Help of MyDanwei.com, I was able to figure out the salaries of hundreds of employees working for Google Inc. There are over 360 employees at Google earning $100,000 or more per year. Here is a rundown of 25 of the top paid employees (without the employee name) at Google, excluding those top level management jobs:

1 Technical Operations Mgr. (Strategic Negotiator) $175000.00

2 Software Engineering Manager $165000.00

3 Corporate Counsel $160000.00

4 Software Engineer $153982.00

5 Research Engineer $150000.00

6 Software Engineer $150000.00

7 Software Engineer $145000.00

8 Program Manager $143000.00

9 Software Engineer $143000.00

10 Quantitative Analyst (Statistician) $142000.00

11 Lawyer (Corporate Counsel) $140000.00

12 Patent Counsel $140000.00

13 Research Engineer $140000.00

14 Research Engineer $138000.00

15 Software Engineer $136500.00

16 Software Engineer $135600.00

17 Program Manager (Technology) $135000.00

18 Software Engineer $135000.00

19 Software Engineer $135000.00

20 Research Engineer $135000.00

21 Finance Manager $135000.00

22 Software Engineer $135000.00

23 Operations Manager $135000.00

24 Research Engineer $135000.00

25 Software Engineer $135000.00

Note that some of these salaries were reported as long as a year ago, so the data may have changed since.

As you can see the jobs don’t pay crazy amounts, but the shear number of jobs paying over $100k per year shows how many great minds are working for Google Inc.